Back on the Grid

After several months of neglect as I finished writing my dissertation, I’m back working on The Sprawl. I’ve been saving up the feedback I’ve received over that time and I’m currently reading through the document and collating all those suggestions and found errors. The feedback has all been positive. Many of the suggestions I’ve received have been right on target with a part of the game that doesn’t work quite right or needed expansion. Some of the suggestions have helped me think about exactly why something is the way it is and won’t be changing. All of the suggestions and comments have been useful, so thank you!

I have three pieces of news:

  • First, I created a Google+ community for The Sprawl this afternoon, which you can find here: The Sprawl on G+. This will provide a more public venue for discussing various game and design issues, in parallel with the Apocalypse forums at Barf Forth.
  • Second, I’ve started revising the basic moves. Play Hardball hasn’t worked for me (and others) for a while, and both Fast Talk and Maneouvre are in for revisions. Stay tuned for posts on all three over the next week or so.
  • Finally, I’ve started assembling a team to help me with the Kickstarter for the game. Once I’ve completed the current revision process, I’ll be launching a Kickstarter to fund art, editing, layout, and the like. I hope to get that underway by the end of the northern hemisphere summer.

So slip on your Texas catheter, slot your best chips, and jack in for the ride.

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