Tag: settings


I’ve started doing #Sprawl23, in which I create a Cyberpunk Sprawl over the year. It’s inspired by #Dungeon23, of course–if I’d noticed the hashtag #City23, I might have used that. All of those hashtags are active in Twitter and Mastodon and there are heaps of resources out there to help you with writing prompts and …

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Magic bursts into The Sprawl!

Touched Prime is the second of a series of stand-alone settings introducing magic into the world of The Sprawl. Spray your sprawl with rift energy and step into the magical world of corporate espionage. “Two generations after the rifts opened, the majority of the world now accept common definitions of Troll-kin or Wild-kin based on …

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When Corporate Hell is not a Metaphor

Touched: A Darkening Alley is the first of a series of stand-alone settings introducing magic into the world of The Sprawl. The cyberpunk future is already a horror show. Now it gets supernatural… “The shit-holes are getting shittier, and no one wants to talk about it. The town that disappeared, that video of a lady …

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November Metric

Incoming intel… Prepare your datajack for a driveload of global cyberculture, friend. Remix your mind and your DNA with the transhumanists of Tangaroa. Screen yourself from the UV, the corps, and the nanobots in Aotearoa. Swim through the stifling oppression of law and history in the capital of the European Federation. Resist the corporate boot …

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The Taseki Empire

The Realms of Rothaen is a dark pulp fantasy setting with a modern edge, densely layered with story hooks that will allow groups to tell amazing tales and shape the world. The books will be written for Dungeon World, but will have plenty of scope for adaptation to other systems. The kickstarter is in its …

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AAR: Operation Angel Basin Missions

Between May 27 and May 29, a team of four MCs ran a series of linked missions set in a collaboratively generated Sprawl. This was Operation Angel Basin. You can read the initial public pitch here and the discussion of the setup session here. After the setup session on Friday night, the four members of …

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AAR: Operation Angel Basin Setup

Between May 27 and May 29, a team of four MCs ran a series of linked missions set in a collaboratively generated Sprawl. This was Operation Angel Basin. Here’s the initial public pitch. I had a couple of goals for this project. The first was to play a series of linked games, something which my …

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CyberKittens: Project Bakeneko

INCOMING INTEL // Project Bakeneko // Run report.. Their first mistake was to think they could tame the soul of a cat. Their second mistake was to imagine they could improve it. Their third mistake was to believe what they were experimenting on were still cats. Their last mistake was not quite closing the cage …

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Three Tight Jams

As I noted in a (backer only) Kickstarter update, I was at Origins last month. I ran three games of The Sprawl in Games on Demand for players including external playtesters, backers, and interested people who missed the kickstarter. I ran the same mission three times, The Bogatyrev Jam, a hostile extraction of a mobile …

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